Historical fiction is a rich and varied genre of novel, spanning from times of Mesopotamian antiquity to the jazzy period pieces of the 1900s. Historical fiction isn't just fun to read, however -- it can be incredibly fun to write, as it means that you get to spend a lot of time really getting to know your era before letting your characters step foot in it. But with s
- Sixteen is an age that is filled with new adventures and many new milestones on the path to adulthood. Therefore, this is a birthday that should be rightly celebrated. If you are like most parents, when your child turns sixteen, you will plan them a birthday bash that they will not soon forget. Because music at just about any teen party is a given, hiring a DJ fo
- If you're looking to increase your sales and help your team keep calm under pressure, you will want to look into NLP training. NLP, was originally developed by a computer scientist named Richard Bandler. He had an interest in psychotherapy, and studied therapists who were successful in their practice. His analytic mind led him to form a regimented system in which thei
- Visiting a haunted house can be a fun way to celebrate in the fall, but finding the right one for your family may take a bit of work to make sure the experience isn't too scary for your little ones. Use this guide to find to help make your experience a fun and spooktacular one for everyone in your family: Haunt Online Reviews Not all haunted houses are created equal,