3 Home Automation Features Ideal For Binge Watching

With whole seasons of shows getting released on the same day and a plethora of streaming services available, the idea of binge watching has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. Besides being locked into an entertaining show, some of the key elements of binge watching include relaxation and comfort. 

A proper home automation system can help you program settings and features to provide the most comfort while you binge shows. Experience fewer disruptions and watch your shows in peace through the use of advanced electronics.

Check out some of the following home automation features to consider for your binge watching.

1. Smart Home Locks

Reduce disruptions without the need to go to every door in the home. A smart home lock system can lock all of the doors with just a press of a button. You do not need to worry about guests coming over to disrupt the show. With advanced home automation features, you can set a program to pause when someone rings a video doorbell.

The automatic pausing will ensure you don't miss anything and allow you to see who has come to the house.

2. Pause & Light Dimmers

You may need bathroom breaks, snack breaks, or just a moment to stretch while you watch shows. With a home automation system, you can remove the big production out of the process and set everything with just the tap of a button. Home automation apps give you the opportunity to pause a show and turn on some lights so you can quickly navigate out of the room.

The light dimmer switches allow you to see without the need to turn on the lights full blast. When you are ready to watch again, you simply tap the button again and the lights will dim back down as the show starts back up. You could also sync the option up with drink options like a smart coffee maker that brews a cup when you hit pause.

3. Lights, Blinds, & Thermostat

Easily jump into your binge-watching with the tap of a button. Program home automation to shut automatic blinds, turn off lights, and adjust the thermostat to your liking. You may want the heat turned down a little, so you can cover yourself comfortably with a blanket as you binge and watch multiple episodes.

You could create different presets based on the time of year. For example, on a chilly autumn morning, you may choose to have an automated setting that increases the heat a little.

Home automation companies will help you set up and establish the different features to ensure the whole process goes smoothly and you can enjoy your binge-watching experience for years to come.

About Me

Entertain Me: Understanding And Embracing The Energy Of Entertainment

As a young adult, I frequented a lot of entertainment venues, including night clubs, theme parks, and more. I was fascinated by the amount of energy that was present in those places. The older I got, the more interested I became. I wanted to learn how to create those feelings myself. I studied all of the different avenues for music, adventure, excitement, and other types of entertainment. The more I learned, the more certain I became that I had to share this information with others. I created this blog to help people learn to appreciate these forms of entertainment and embrace them within their own lives, too.



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